Thursday, December 12, 2013


Its cold. Very...Very...Very COLD!

I don't like to be cold..ever. It makes me grumpy. My husband says I was a bear in my last life. I tend to agree with him!

Now, that being said, I also know that just because I am cold, doesn't mean those around me are. I know that I have hormonal/medical reasons for being hot and/or cold when everyone else is perfectly comfortable. I extend this thought process to Tia. Last year, the girls at the barn we kind enough to lend Tia a blanket since she was still a bit thin and was shivering when she was outside. This year is a whole different story! Tia is FAT...far fatter then she should be! She and Mia choose to stand out in the rain in 30-40 degree weather because "They are mare! Hear them roar!" Neither one of them were shivering.

That being said, guess who got her very own blanket this year! TIA! I am super excited to have it on hand and will most likely only use it on emergency cases. But at least I have it...and if I must say so...She looks amazing in red!

Because of the weather, I haven't been able to spend any time with my students and their horses.

Gabs and Mocha! I love these two!

Tango and Phyllis! This is my newest Boyfriend! 

Allie and Jennifer! This little Mustang Mare is currently up for Lease/Possible Sale.

Becca and Mia! My little Mini Me and her Zebra!
Ceaser and Mel! They are in VA!

Reba and Sherry! Reba has an uncanny ability to know when I am coming out...and then hurt herself! Grrr

And just to put that in perspective with the type of weather we are dealing with...Here ya go! 

While this is extremely pretty...ICE is NASTY stuff. My car does not like Ice...AT ALL. Therefore, when there is ice on the ground, my butt stays home! And while I am well aware that what we are getting here is absolutely nothing compared to other parts of the country/world, I know my limits. I don't drive in nasty weather. Ie: snow and ice. I know better then to put other people at risk because I cant handle driving in the inclement weather. 

So like I said...Pretty....but nasty! AND COLD! Did I mention I hate being cold!?


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